"Jeff lives the Scout Oath and Law every day. He embodies the Scouting spirit and is such a pleasure to work with."
– Carolyn Z.
As your Scout Executive, I will work in cooperation with the board and volunteers to achieve the objectives outlined in the Council Strategic Plan and build effective relationships throughout the council. You can expect I will On My Honor…
Raise operating, capital and endowment dollars to support the programs of the council.
Seek input from volunteers and staff to improve the efficiency of the organization.
Lead by example with work ethic, professionalism, integrity and compassion.
Create a positive, fun and productive work environment.
Be methodical, organized, and attentive to details in all aspects of the operation.
Be a coach to staff and volunteers.
Manage and implement organizational change as directed by the Council Executive Board.
Recognize and reward volunteers and staff team players.
Guard the values of the Scouting organization and have a clear understanding of the mission of our movement.
​Promote the Strategic Vision of the council and collaborate with the Council Executive Board to achieve objectives.
​Be a trustworthy steward of the financial resources using the prescribed management practices of the BSA and grow the council operating budget.